
  • Expanding Your Eco-Vocab For Earth Month

    Let's talk about commonly used terms that you may see used to market or talk about environmentally-friendly products and lifestyles. Some of the words SOUND great, but what do these buzz-words really mean?

  • Rethinking Consumption: Every Day Resistance

    I have read countless posts, heard from dozens of people who are scared, frustrated, angry. They've watched the Buy Now documentary, they've read Consumed by Aja Barber (whose work was uncredited in the aforementioned documentary), they're upset by the torrent of policy coming down from on high and want to slow the corporate donations to people whose favorite policies will actively make our lives worse/harder/shorter/more expensive. Here are every day, legal ways we can resist the worst: 

  • Make Your Morning Eco-Friendly: More Sustainable Coffee + Tea!

    The alarm goes off and the first thing on your mind (besides the snooze button) is your daily caffeine fix. But all those coffees and teas, whether it's a Dunkin run, a Nespresso or Keurig, or a standard tea bag, create a LOT of waste- and shed microplastics right into your morning jolt. Here are some simple swaps you can try to make your coffee and tea routines a little more sustainable! 
  • From Here to Home Essentials and Good Filling LLC Bring Refill Station to The Pearl, Silver Spring

    From Here to Home Essentials, a leading provider of zero-waste refill services, in partnership with Good Filling LLC, is thrilled to announce the installation of an automated refill vending kiosk for household goods. This service will be exclusively available to residents of The Pearl at The Blairs District, a sustainable luxury apartment community developed and operated by The Tower Companies in Silver Spring, MD. 
  • Low-Waste Tips for Pet Parents

    Cats and dogs are the two most popular pets in America. As much as we love our furry companions, they can generate a lot of waste, especially plastic waste. If you are are a pet parents looking to reduce your plastic usage or reduce your overall waste, try some of these swaps! 
  • 9 Ways to Make Back To School Season Sustainable (and Save Money!)

    It feels like summer has flown by and it's almost time to get back to school! Usually, that means required school supply lists, brand new clothes, shoes, backpacks, lunchboxes...the list goes on! 

    This year, make back to school season a little more sustainable for the planet and for your wallet! 

  • That WaPo Article About Refilleries Missed The Forest For the Trees

    Yeah, I'm a little salty about this article in WaPo that's EVERYWHERE in the refill/eco-friendly/plastic-free sphere. You know I love a good take-apart, so let's go. 

    The writer's main issues with Refilleries seem to be:

    1. Price
    2. Location of the store itself 
    3. Being "forced" (author's words!) to use certain jars
    4. That it took a long time. 

    And to that I say: you are sorta incorrect, you definitely did *not* ask  for additional information, and you have missed the bigger picture, my friend. Here's why refilleries are wonderful spaces! 

  • What You Need to Know About Plastic-Free July!

    Plastic-free July is a one month challenge encouraging participants to refuse single-use plastics in our daily lives. And you know what? That's going to be really, really hard. 

    Plastic-free July is a global challenge to showcase just *how much* single-use plastic exists in our daily lives- and hopefully- offers alternatives and solutions to single-use. 
  • GOOD NEWS: Things to Be Hopeful About For Earth Day

    If you Google "plastic pollution," or "climate change" or "environmental justice," the internet paints a bleak picture. And I'm not going to lie- it *is* bleak. 

    BUT: To assume everything is bleak and hopeless, I find, leads to despair and throwing up hands saying "why bother?" when the truth is: our actions DO matter. The choices we make DO have an impact. 

    And if you care about the Earth, you're definitely not alone! 

  • Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning That's Better for Your Budget and The Planet

    Ready for Spring Cleaning in Maryland? Here's a helpful checklist that will guide your cleaning AND has eco-friendly and budget-friendly tips! 

  • Eco-Friendly & Low-Waste Holiday Gifts for Any & Everyone, at Any Price Point!

    Low-waste, eco-friendly, and creative holiday gifts for everyone on your list- and at every price point!
  • Did You Know: Quick Facts About Plastic

    Plastic is a miracle product. It's cheap to produce, durable, extremely versatile...EXCEPT it does not go away. Every piece of plastic ever made still exists- and will outlive all of us.

    Plastic is made to last forever, but it is most often used to make products meant to be used for minutes or even seconds, and then discarded. 

    It's everywhere in the world. Literally everywhere. Plastic is found in the water, in the air, in the soil, in wildlife, in animal agriculture, and even inside of us.